The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
“The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards" was launched in 2002 by the European Commission and has been organised by Europa Nostra since then. The Prize promotes excellence, inspires through the “power of example” and stimulates the exchange of best practices in the heritage field across Europe.
In 2008-2009, our office the Grafit 37 coorporated with Zsolt Kurta won the Europa Nostra Award with the project of the Mátra Museum .
The Jury has awarded a Grand Prize to the Mátra Museum as it presents an outstanding example of harmonious coexistence of a careful historical restoration and the incorporation of contemporary architecture. The ensemble has regained the authentic complexity and completeness of the property while employing high levels of standard and quality.
A Mátra Múzeum (tervezte: Eperjesi László, Kelemen Tamásné és Kurta Zsolt)
megnyerte 2009-ben az Európa Nostra Nagydíját. Még ebben az évben a Heves
Megyei Építész Kamara megjutalmazott bennünket a "Kultúrált Környezetért"